Tuesday, January 18, 2000

How Many Times?

How many times has our church turned away,
From God and His will so that they could have,
Many people come to church.
Why do we have ONE High attendance Sunday!
When every Sunday should be High attendance Sunday.
Why do we put so much faith ,
And leadership on the preacher.
He is not here to lead us all,
And tell us what to do,
But help us,
Cause we should all be searching, 
And seeking God's will and not our own,
Or someone else's will.

Why do we care about little pitiful things,
That have nothing to do with You.
We cry, whine, get depressed over little things,
That we cannot help or didn't do well enough.

Why don't we remember,
That You are here with us,
And that You will always watch over all of us,
And if something bad or hard comes up,
That it's part of your will,
Just as something good is also in your will.

What are we doing here still?
You must have a plan or something,
That You  want each and everyone to look for, 
Find, live, or tell about! 

Why we turn away from what we know,
God want's  us to do.
Why do we push  his will,
And his holy spirit away from our own greedy,
Picky, and selfish need.
How are we going to have more people,
Come into our church if we don't leave room for God.

We get caught up in business,
Meetings, committees, and religion,
That sometimes we don't know what we are really using.

Why are using  all of those things,
When God's Holy Spirit wants to come,
But cannot because we use them and do,
Not focus on God and his will,
Like He tells us that we are supposed too.

Why do we preach the Bible,
If we as Christians don't follow its teachings about,

-By: Daniel Brockhan

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