Friday, February 25, 2000

Does Satan Have A Hold On You?

Rise up,
Weary Christian,
It's time your turn to take a stand,
Right now Satan has you in his hand.

You look right,
And Left,
And there is not way out,
Try looking up to God,
Then kneeling to the ground.

Each time you give in,
It makes it easier for Satan to use you.
Look at the Christian you have become.
You are no different from those who surround you.

You say God, but follow Satan
You say you believe in Jesus,
When the only belief you have,
Is in yourself.

People are perishing
And going to hell,
But all you can do,
Is think about your desires
Think about yourself.

How can you become so blind,
So quick?
How can you fall so deep,
So far away from your Maker?

Every day away is another chance you miss,
On telling others, being a witness.

You become tempted,
And fulfill your desires.
You worship and praise things,
Make idols of worthless things.

You are so blind,
You can't even see
The hand of God right beside you.
Every day is another tear from the eyes of God.
You practically give yourself to Satan,
And in return you get to fulfill all the sinful desire of your heart.

You no longer walk in light,
But in darkness.

You are drowning in a pool of sin,
So deep you don't know,
Which way is up or down,
In or out.

Satan does this so you won't leave,
But that you will stay,
And eat out of his hand,
Instead of at the table of God.

He makes sinful desires your bible,
And your god,
So you no longer follow the one true God.

Then it stops,
And you’re at a point...

It is life or death,
To proclaim Jesus,
As the son of God,
Or reject him.
It is not said by your words,
But by your actions in public,
And in private.

Satan has his demons around you,
Pulling you down.
You find yourself…
Calling upon God,
But you still hold onto the sinful desires,

And until you let them go,
You can never be helped,
Never be made strong,
Or a person worthy to be called a Christian.

You Hypocrite.
You think you are better than anyone,
Anyone before or after you.
Do the laws of God have no affect on you?
Are you higher than God?
Do you think you can leave God,
While you leave and exalt yourself and your desires?

God has been testing you.
Have you stood up to the test?
Have you won the race?
Fought the good fight in the spiritual sense?

Does God look at you and smile,
Or weep?

Were the nails in Jesus hand not enough for you?
Was his blood not enough for you?
Was the whipping,
And Flogging of his bruised,
And beaten body not enough for you?

Does Satan have a hold on you?

~ Daniel Brockhan

Thursday, February 24, 2000


I was lost,
Then he found me’
He forgave me of my sins,
And came into my soul,
His spirit dwelt within me,
I did not know what it was,
Until it tugged at my heart one day.

It told me what to do,
And yet I turned away,
It told me how to live,
But I lived my own way,
It told me who I’d be,
Still I denied it was true.

Then one day,
For no reason,
A spark flew,
And a fire began to burn,
A candle was not needed,
Cause this fire wasn’t going to stop,
The fire grew bigger,
The fire was the joy’
And of understanding.

I began to listen to the spirit,
That dwelt within me,
I began to understand so much,
That I was to blind to see before,
The Lord then spoke to me,
Like the blowing of the wind,
I do not know how,
But I knew He was there,
I knew it was His voice,
And I knew what I had to do.

I had to give more to him,
I had to do his will and not mine,
I had to give up my wants and needs for his.

Now I fell that the spirit of the Lord,
Is in me,
Helping me to lead,

In preaching,
And in prayer.

Now the Lord,
Is using me,
My cup is overflowing, 
With the love and joy,
That He shows me.

I’ll never be the person I was,
But be the person I am know,
The one God wants me to be,
One who works by God’s will,
And not his own! 

-By: Daniel Brockhan

Wednesday, February 23, 2000


He hears a voice,
A voice he’s never heard,
It called him by his heart,
But the voice was not from Earth.
It rumbled like the thunder,
And was as strong as the wind,
What he wouldn’t do to hear that voice,
Once again.

Then why did he listen,
To the voice,
The one that came from Hell,
The one of lust and lies,
And the truth it never tells.

Why did he choose hate,
When there is love,
Why did he choose death,
Rather than life itself.

Then he sees Jesus,
Hanging on the cross,
Him crying and suffering,
For the sins of the world.

The Father turns his head,
The angels look away,
Because Jesus took and became,
Sin on that day.
The once pure Lamb,
Now slaughtered by his people,
The last sacrifice,
The one that set us free,
If we’d only believe!

-By: Daniel Brockhan

Tuesday, February 22, 2000


Words that can heal,
A wound,
Cut deep in the shoulder.

Words that can touch,
A person,
Who knows they’ve done wrong.

Words that can be,
More powerful,
Than the raging sea.

Words that can burn, the heart,
Of a persons soul.

Words that can hurt,
More than,
Being tortured.

Words that can kill,
A man,
Who’s done no wrong.

Words that can be deceiving,
And misleading,
To a man,
Whose ran away.

Words that can be used,
In good or bad,
Wrong or right,
But the Word of God,
Heals and protects,
And has the answer, to any question.

-By: Daniel Brockhan

Monday, February 21, 2000

Lost & Found

Lost the feeling,
That no one cares,
But we have a God who cares,
And showed it when His Son,
Jesus Christ,
Shed his blood on the cross,
For our sins.

We have no need to feel lost,
When we have Jesus,
We have no need to feel lost,
Jesus sticks closer than a friend,
And even a brother.

When you’ve found a love,
That is so pure,
It comes from God,
And will last forever,
Then we look for more with others,
When we should look for more joy,
And love from God.

When we feel,
We are lost we are found,
We don’t know,
But the only one left,
Is Jesus Christ,
Our one true friend.

We all need others,
To laugh,
To play,
And to share love,
And joy.

We need a family,
We need our physical,
And our spiritual,
And with both of these God,
Changes our hearts,
Even our life.

-By: Daniel Brockhan

Sunday, February 20, 2000


We think we have Time,
But one-day time will be no more,
There will be no more pain,
There will be a time when,
No cries are heard,
But only shouts of joy.

We think we have Time,
To tell our friends, about the One,
Who paid it all.

We think time is,
Something we can control,
Something we can grasp,
But it’s not,
God controls it all.

So next time,
You say,
I’ll have more time, be careful,
Because you could be out of,
Luke 12:40
You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.” _NIV

1st Thessalonians 5:1-2
Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. _NIV

-By: Daniel Brockhan

Saturday, February 19, 2000

Let's Go

Wake up, and lift your head,
Go down on you knees, and bow, to the one,
Who gave you life.

Go out, lift up you head,
To the day and to the night,
And praise, his holy name.


Shout, to the Lord.
Shout into the streets,
And proclaim, the name,
Of the risen King.

Let's go, out,
Into the streets.

Let's go, out,
Into the land

Let's go,
And share the Gospel,
To every woman and man

-By: Daniel Brockhan

Friday, February 18, 2000

Fire & Ice

Fire and Ice are really important things.
One burns with a flame,
While the other is frozen and cold.

I come to you and say, "It's time for us to come out of the cold."
Its time to get out of our sleep that has frozen is on the same spot for so long.
Its time that we join together all Christians in any and every denomination that believes,
That Jesus rose from the grave and that he'll come back one day!

It's time that we really think about those nails that pierced his skin,
And those thorns scratching his head,
And the blood that he shed for all of us! 

Then once we really understand,
We need to go out and preach the word,
With a Godly heart. 
Then we began to see a spark.

As more and more people get saved we see lots of sparks,

We will listen one day as the fire starts and burns brighter than any campfire,
Or a fire in a fireplace.
But the fire of the Holy Spirit in everyone's soul will light a fire so big,
That no one will stop it, no matter how hard they try!

Even Satan would hear the people praising God, 
And even in the darkest part of hell,
He'll try to get away from it, but won't be able to.

And all the people that are around the fire,
Will get sucked in and start to burn with a passion for God,
And for lost souls too.

So what is it, are we FIRE or ice?!?

-By: Daniel Brockhan

Thursday, February 17, 2000

Jesus Christ

The birth of a Savior,
From the womb of a virgin.

The teacher in the temple,
Who taught the Boy about God.

The Carpenter,
Who let God build his life.

The Son of God,
Sharing the Words of God,
Without doubt.

The victor,
Who won victory over Satan,
When He used the sword of the spirit,
When temptation came His way.

The lamb,
Who was betrayed,
And flogged by His own.

The King,
Who was put on the cross,
With nails in His hands,
And a crown of thorns on His head.

The Lord,
Jesus Christ,
Who rose from the dead,
And will one day come,
To take us home.

The man,
The son of God,
Jesus Christ,
Who saved us all,
If we will only believe.

-By: Daniel Brockhan

Wednesday, February 16, 2000

The Fire

We all go on with our lives,
If its school or work,
We seem to put God,
On the side of our life’s,
And try to go on by ourselves.

We seem,
To remember a time.
A time when the church as a body,
Was on fire for the lord,
And didn’t care what they did or when,
Cause it was for the Lord,
But know,
Look at us,
We only meet at church,
But our church is no longer a body,
But a building.

We don’t go and reach out,
Like we should.
We sit down in our church,
Waiting for people to come,
While people are dying,
And we are loosing more to Satan everyday.
Where’s the fire for God,
The one we had,
Not so long ago,
The one that we hunger for?

We need to find the Fire,
That never ends,
The one that goes on and on,
And never stops.

The fire that is so big,
That no one could put it out,
Not Satan,
Or his Demons.

And with this fire in our hearts,
We could do miraculous miracles,
Like Paul, peter, or even Jesus did.

With the power of God,
Working through us,
Because we are willing,
To do His will,
And love Him like we should,
And have the joy of the Lord,
And also the peace.

That day will come,
Either on this earth,
Or in Heaven,
But wouldn’t it be wonderful,
To have a little bit of heaven on Earth,
To know what it’s going to be like in Heaven.

Truly, that will be the day that the Lord hath made! 

-By: Daniel Brockhan

Tuesday, February 15, 2000


What have I given too You?
I give my life,
The I try to take it back.

Lord I want to give You my life,
Take it and form it,
As You would have it be.
Make me one with Your Spirit,
Let me do Your Will and not mine.
Help me to be strong when I am week,
Help me be bold when I am right,
Help me be understanding when I am wrong.

Lord help me read Your Word,
Help me to talk to You like a friend,
Help me to worship You with all my Heart and Soul,
And not to turn away from You.

Lord I give it all,
At least I can give You mine,
So that I may be humble and serve you.

Listen to the silent prayer.

When I turn away,
Tell me where to go,
And give me the strength to do your will,
And not mine.

-By: Daniel Brockhan

Monday, February 14, 2000

The War

Stay with the Spirit,
For the Angels,
Of heaven and hell,
Are fighting over souls,
All the time.

Stay with the Spirit,
For the angels,
Of Heaven will rejoice,
Over your soul.

The war,
Is a war,
For you,
Where you will go,
When this life is done.

Who will you be with?
The Angels in heaven,
Rejoicing for the Lord our God?
Or the Angels in Hell,
Tearing you apart over and over?

-By: Daniel Brockhan

Sunday, February 13, 2000

If It Could Be

If it could be,
Id be like Jesus.
If it could be,
I’d be like Him.
If it could be,
I’d be like Jesus,
Free from sin.

We only have one Master,
Jesus Christ the King,
We follow his example,
Be like Him, not fall into temptation,
Not to have a grudge,
If we would be like Jesus,
Who freed us from the hand of sin.

-By: Daniel Brockhan

Saturday, February 12, 2000

Messages From God

Messages from God,
Unlike no other kind.
A message that uses words by others,
Through actions,
Or what they say.

The messages,
That are given,
Cannot be thrown away,
For the messages of God will always stay.

People can try to deny,
Or take away the Word of God,
But the message stays in our hearts,
With the words to tell them to others.

Our cry,
Answered by His message,
Is his answer.

-By: Daniel Brockhan

Friday, February 11, 2000

Love and Hate

Love and Hate,
So easy to define,
Yet each,
So hard to leave behind.

To love another,
And stop,
When we should love,
Jesus instead.

To hate another,
With bitterness and hatred,
Can make a soul dead.

We should turn to Jesus,
Let Him come in our lives,
Live in Peace and harmony.
Then the name of  this Poem,
Could be called “Love,
All the time!”

-By: Daniel Brockhan

Thursday, February 10, 2000


He’s the truth,
The light,
The way,
He’s my sunshine on a cloudy day,
He’s Jesus Christ the King,
Ruler over everything.

Take a look around you,
The world begins to turn,
God is watching over you,
And the lessons you have learned,
No matter what you do,
He’ll be there for you.

-By: Daniel Brockhan

Wednesday, February 9, 2000

Shine Down Your Glory

Shine down your glory,
Let us praise your name.

Shine down your glory,
So we might feel you.

Shine, so we can see your face.

Shine, so we can hear your voice!

-By: Daniel Brockhan

Tuesday, February 8, 2000


If we would only look above,
To see Christ the King.
Who cares about all other things?
Murder and sickness would all go away,
If we would only have faith,
If we would only look above,
The people would truly have love,
A life clean and pure,
A life for our Savior,
The Lord of heaven and Earth

-By: Daniel Brockhan

Monday, February 7, 2000

He Who Paid For All

It has been three days,
Then you hear,
The One who has died,
Is alive,
And will one day,
Come back to Earth,
And He says all who believe,
Will be in heaven,
But those who refuse,
Will be sent to hell,
And be with the Devil,
Forever and ever.

-By: Daniel Brockhan

Sunday, February 6, 2000


Worship is praising the Lord who made you,
It’s only real if the words,
That come from your mouth,
Also the words that come,
From your heart.

Worship can be done by praising,
The Lord with your mouth,
Or by praying,
To him in your heart.

-By: Daniel Brockhan

Saturday, February 5, 2000

Be Right Or Be Left

Be Right,
Right with God,
And go to Heaven.
Be left,
Left without God,
And go to Hell.

Life or Death,
God makes the difference,
God is the difference

-By: Daniel Brockhan

Friday, February 4, 2000

Cry: The Second Cry

When it rains and pours,
Those are like tears of God,
For the sin we commit

As the rain falls,
To the ground,
I think of Your love,
How when Your Son died,
You turned Your head from Sin,
And I see a tear come from Your eye.
I see You crying for You child,
Who is full of sin,
And once was pure from all evil.

As night turns into day,
The sun comes up,
And I look at your glorious creation,

Birds of the air,
Whales of the sea,
Little do they compare to thee.

Animals of the Earth,
Waterfalls of joy,
Your beauty does not compare.

The sunsets,
The sun when it rises,
Its height has no comparison,
To Your beauty.

I think how we as people,
Go against You Will.
And every time I see a tear come from Your eye,
I see You crying for You children,
Who are full of sin,
And once were pure from all evil.

On the day when the trumpet is blown,
An I am in heaven with You,
You and I see Your children in go to Hell
I almost could see a tear come from Your eye,
I see You crying for Your children,
Who are full of sin,
And once were pure from all evil.

-By: Daniel Brockhan

Thursday, February 3, 2000

Cry: The First Cry

As He prayed,
To do God’s Will,
A tear of blood,
Came from His brow.

A voice heard,
A tear falls,
As Jesus Christ takes it all,
As He takes on all of our sins.
He cried for the foolish things we do.
His Father cried for He could not look,
At His Son who was once a pure Lamb,
As pure as gold,
But now as black and dark as coal,
Because He is full of every sin,
And every shame!

As Mary and her friends gather around Jesus,
A tear falls from every eye,
The pain of loosing a Man who meant more than life,
A pain of loosing a Man to die for your own sins.

You look over,
And now see,
Eleven disciples,
They all cry,
Remembering what has happened,
And how great Jesus Christ was,
Then you hear the ground,
And it starts to move,
The ground splits,
And then a temple curtain rips,
From top to bottom,
You then look,
And see the Man on the cross,
Who has died for you.

-By: Daniel Brockhan

Wednesday, February 2, 2000

The Second: Why Do I?

I get up and turn the alarm clock off,
There's silence and darkness before I turn on the light.
I click on the TV and see the news.
There's been another murder or someone's missing,
They seem to pretty it up,
But there's no mistaking that there's a problem.
Why do we sin,
Why do I choose to turn away from the God,
Who sent his son to die.
Why do I turn away from the only love,
And light that's really left in the world.
I don't choose God first like I should!

I go to my school and see faces. I see faces that look happy, 
But are hiding something. I see faces that are angry, 
But are hiding real pain and tears.
I see people who don’t know God and wonder.
Why they wonder they seem to have no need to seek Him out.
They consider God and Jesus, but don't really care.
Why do I, why do we not open up?
And tell people the truth.

I sometimes lay in my bed and sit,
Why silence and light fills my room,
Thinking how could a God with so much, 
Love something so insignificant as me.
I think in amazement how he sent his son to die for me.
I started singing praises or praying because of the love,
That's in my heart. I began to really feel God speaking to me,
Telling me things I must do.

And that's when the true test comes.
We might be able not to be tempted to sin,
But if God tells us to do something and we don't,
Then we have let Satan win and he has us in the palm of his hand.
If we follow what He says,
That grip of Satan has on us, is broken,
And God's arms wrap around us,
And protect us from Satan's wrath and evil plans.

Who has a hold on you?

-By: Daniel Brockhan

Tuesday, February 1, 2000

The First: Why Do I?

Why do I stray?
Why do I go away,
Where does my love for You go,
In times of grief,
Even in times of happiness?
How can you love someone,
Who goes away?
How do I stray,
Your love is so wonderful?
How can I not stay wrapped,
In Your wonderful arms of love?

Why are You so graceful,
And caring to someone like me?
I thank You for being who You are,
A graceful,
A caring,
And a loving God.
I thank you for sending Your Son,
That I may have salvation and be saved,
So I may be in Your Kingdom,
One of these days ahead of me.

-By: Daniel Brockhan