Wednesday, December 17, 2014

I Am Here Lord

I am here Lord. My hands are open, ready to receive Your blessing.
Long have I sought, waited, struggled.

I am here Lord.
My hands are open, waiting.

Years have I prayed, have I wept, yelled, screamed, smiled, waiting.
How much longer Lord?

I am here Lord.
My hands are open, wounded, ready to be healed.

Long have I struggled. Long have I tried.
I have the emotional scars on my heart to prove it.
Long-suffering. Perseverance. Patience.
They often feel more like burdens and torture chambers to my soul.

I am here Lord.
My hands are open, open every morning, day, and night.

Over and over. Repeatedly, So Long.
Time moves on, past me, leaving me behind.
Are you ahead of me? Behind me? With me?

Still I am here Lord.
My hands are open, my arms out-stretched,
Though weary and tired, still I seek.

Temptations and trials, they do come my way.
My flesh yells at me constantly to detour, to turn away from Your path.
Satan and his demons whisper my name,
And speak to the desires I despise.
Though they pull at my arms, my hands, my heart...

Still Lord, my hands are open.

My arms lift high Your name. You are worthy of my praise.
My hands are open, ready to receive.

How long to have patience?
How long until You answer me to this question, this query?
Your name be praised though, not my own.
Your desires unfold, mine take a side-seat.

Still, my arms are open, ready to receive.

~ Daniel Brockhan

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Where This Journey Goes

Where this Journey goes,
Where it leads,
I do not know.

For all the plans I try to make,
People I meet,
So much uncertainty.

Who will come into my life?
Who will I meet that will stay?
Who will I meet that will go away?

Only time will tell.

Will I be who I am?
How much will I change?
How much will I stay the same?

Will I become more at peace?
More confused?
Or somewhere in-between?

What new challenges will I face?
Where will I be in the future?
A Spouse? Have Kids? A Family?

What books will I read?
What new stories will I tell?
Will my laugh still be the same?

Will I ever see a clear path?
Will I mature enough to let things be?
Can I leave such worries in Your out-stretched hands?

Will my faith grow to move mountains?
Will I mature in ways I cannot comprehend?
Will I overcome many of my fleshly ways?

Will I stand up for myself?
Will I stand up for others?
Will I learn to live... and not to be afraid?

Why not start right now?

Where this Journey goes,
Where it leads,
Still for now I do not know.

But not knowing means faith,
Not knowing means trust,
Not knowing means growth.

And in Your arms Lord,
I think I'll be ok.

~ Daniel Brockhan