Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Who Are You?

"Who are you?"
I was asked the question…
"Who are you?"
I searched for an answer…
"Who are you?"
I began my answer…

My name is Daniel,
I grew up in Houston
Then Moved to Marshall
Now I live in Abilene

"Who are you?"
What do you mean?
I just told you…

"Who are you?"
I like to watch movies
Like to watch TV
Like to read…

"Who are you?"
… I like to play guitar and write
I like to hang out with my friends...

"Who are you?"
Well, I am a youth minister…
I am a stocker at a retail store.

"Who are you?"
I am single,
I feel alone,
I am no one.

"Who are you?"
I am worried when I sit in silence…
I am worried I will never connect with anyone.

"Who are you?"
I feel like a person with no home
I feel sad my friendships seem temporary

"Who are you?"
I am a Christian

"What does that mean?"
I am servant to the King

"Then what is your purpose?"
To serve the King

"Then bow down,
Dust off your feet,
Move forward and go…

There is no time to wait,
There is no time to cower,
There is no time to ponder the darkness,
Ponder the darkness when light surrounds you,
Light embraces and penetrates your very being,
Light that is to be shared,
Not to be wasted…

Dust off your feet weary traveler,
Take a drink from the fountain,
Feel the cool breeze of my spirit,
Take a deep breathe and push forward,
Take heart my child,
My dear friend
For I AM with you"

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." - John 16:33

~ Daniel
