Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Prison of My Mind

Prison of My Mind

I see you
See you there again
A rush of emotions begins
My heartbeat increases
Increases as I remember...

It all comes flooding back
I am overhwelmed by the past
Overcome by all my past emotions.

Reason has no place here it seems
For I am taken back
I am chained down
You have this draw over me

I sit
Trying to be reasonable
Trying to make sense of it all...

Why did things turn out the way they did?
Why do people play games?
Where is honesty?
Where is... ME?

Where am I in all of this?
Where do I fit in?
Where do I go from here?
How do I break out of this emotional,
This mental prison I find myself?

It is You,
The Other who put me here,
Who drove me behind bars of unanswered questions,
Who locked the door of rejection,
Leaving me stranded.
Leaving me wondering back and forth,
Pacing in my own mind.

You led me by the hand into the room,
Then ran away saying nothing,
Leaving only silence behind...

I tried to reach you,
But I could only reach so far...

You went away, you left,
You locked the door,
The door I must now try to open myself...

I pound and pound,
I cry and weep,
I throw myself,
But the door seems to keep.

But I won't give up hope,
For there are OTHERS,
OTHERS to help,
OTHERS to hear,
OTHERS who will help me,
Help me when I am in need...

I see the blissful day,
When the bars fall,
When the door slams down,
When I find myself free,
And finally, finally Can BE.

~ Daniel