Wednesday, December 18, 2002

These Thoughts

Wondering what could have been,
What might have been,
Yet I stop myself,
Knowing it will never be,
If she does not like me.

Wondering if something is,
Or was wrong with me,
If it was me or she,
Wondering why I never got a chance,
Wondering while I remain alone, 
While others get the chance.

I took the chance of asking,
And found things changed.
How things used to be they are no more,
The door that seemed open,
Now shut forevermore.

These thoughts flow through my brain,
Questions come and go,
Day by day.

Having trouble getting her out of my mind,
Yet trying to maintain a friendship that is divine.
A friendship of a sister in Christ,
That’s so important to me,
But a hurt,
An aching from the thought of what will never be.

I took a step on the limb,
I prayed to You,
Trying to seek Your face God,
So why,
I ask why did it turn out this way?
Was it my plan and my will and never Yours,
Or somehow was it messed up,
By something of this world?

The thoughts of what could have been and never will be…
And I wonder is there God,
Anyone out there for me?

Will there ever be a girl to fill my heart,
Because sometimes I wonder,
If I will ever be liked at all. 

To hear I possess all the quality a young lady requests,
But then none give a second thought when pressed.

Will there ever be a girl who sees my heart,
Who sees a love for You Lord,
A passion that won’t die?

Before I never wondered,
Before I didn’t care,
But I wonder if there is someone for me out there!

Is there one woman who will see my heart,
Who will see me for who I am and feel for me as I feel for her?

I cry out to You because I know your there,
I just don’t want to be alone down here.
I love You so much and I want a person to share,
All the wonderful times,
And stories of You.
And Your Glory.

Is there someone for me,
If so who,
Cause right now I feel alone…
But I know You will get me through!

-By: Daniel Brockhan

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