Sunday, September 15, 2002

These Three Things: Part One

I feel as if I am in the midst of a battle,
A spiritual battle within myself.
I have come up to three walls,
Three things which God has laid on my heart to do,
To pray about and begin.
These three things I have prayed about,
And have earnestly sought God’s Will in all of them.
God has convicted me of all three,
And is teaching me to be bold,
Not to cower,
But to strive on,
To persevere through the distractions,
In this world that block me,
Even my own flesh,
My own self,
My fear,
Me doubt,
The questions that come up inside of me.
I know that I can only go through,
And do these three things by relying of God,
And nobody else.

I know my home is not this world,
And yet still these three things seem to block my way.

All have to do with my inner man,
All have to do with the old verses new,
The Flesh verses the Spirit.
For God is pounding on my heart to do His Will,
I know precisely what to do,
But my service is diffused or vanishes as soon as life,
As soon as distractions come along.

Why do I not let it all go?
Why do I even care what others think because,
God alone,
You alone matter.
I want,
And long to let it all go.
I see how far I have come,
And yet I cannot ignore,
These three things before me. 

I cannot see what is on the other side,
And know that I will only find out,
After I conquer these with You help alone. 

My soul grieves for why I keep You in a Box….
For You have placed these three things before me,
I know through the Spirit,
That You alone matter more than anything else. 

I know that if You have placed these before me,
That I needed to follow through,
That I need to keep my mind on You.
That I will speak when speak is needed,
That I am silent when silence is needed. 
That I would seek You,
And seek to follow Your will in All,
In one-hundred percent of my life,
That I would live in Your presence,
Through Your Holy Spirit. 

I pray that I will follow You,
That I would lay these three things down before Your feet…
That I would let so and not care about pleasing another buy You. 
For You alone are King,
You alone are God,
If I do anything,
That does not glorify You,
Then I loose the whole purpose for my life.
Help me,
Help us ALL!

-By: Daniel Brockhan

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