Day by Day, Hour by Hour
We work and work
We play and play
We slave away
We dug a grave
We pushed it in
We ran away
We tried to live again
Then something happened
Along the way
Part of our self went missing
We were led astray
The world promised us happiness
Promised us riches and fame
We need only to sell our soul
Sell our soul and play the game
We thought by denying our self
We thought by acting the part
Life would become glorious
But we became an after-thought
We got plugged into the system
And we lost our thoughts
We got plugged into the stream of chaos
And we found ourselves ever-lost
But the Phoenix sits there
Deep within the ground
Waiting for us
To again come around
The Unlimited Potential
The Power of the Triune God
The Burst of Creative Potential
Begs for Us to Come
We have denied our true calling
Denied who we are inside
Was it because of fear of failure?
We can't remember it's been too long...
But one day something happened
The earth, the sky, the sea
Ripped that underground tomb apart
And the Phoenix then was free!
Many ran in fear
It burned with righteous indignation
While others stood in awe
As it washed them in its fiery feathers...
The tide then changed
The kings all fell down
The world began to change
Change into something new
The King and the Lamb
Ascended from the Sky
Met with their friend the Phoenix
As suffering and evil
Was finally wiped from every eye.
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." - Acts 1:8
~ Daniel