I clashed with God before,
Then my clash was lust,
Lust was what then kept me from God,
Lust was then what kept me from moving foreword,
After a time God cleansed me of Lust,
Not that it’s completely gone forever,
But that as I draw toward God,
It Fades in His Light,
I Cant Keep an Impure Mind,
In the presence of a Pure and Holy God.
Now my clash is with my self,
Once again I guess I am here,
I am at a turning point,
A place of choice,
A place of no return,
Except back to who I was,
And that person is who I no longer desire to be.
Now I Clash with Being Bold,
With speaking out,
With going against the Tide,
Instead of being swept away by it,
To be different when all I see around me is conformity.
Where are the radicals?
Where are the people so overwhelmed by God’s Love,
That they cannot take a second to think about another thing,
Another person can no longer penetrate past there Saviors Face
They cannot see the world but through the eyes of the Spirit,
Through the very eyes of God, things are made clear in a world that is so hazy.
Where is the Produce?
Where is the Fruit?
Where is the Action?
Where is the Spirit?
Where is God in our lives?
Is He just a label we put on,
Or does He penetrate our very being?
Does He pierce us everyday as we wake,
As we work, as we play?
Does the God who created us get top priority,
Or do we give him second over other desires,
And wants?
I clash with myself because God is calling me,
He is telling me ever so subtly,
That who I am is not good enough.
That I cannot Glorify Him as I need without letting go,
That unless I let go of myself,
My wants,
My fears,
My questions,
My answer,
Even my very prayers,
He cannot truly do his best through this vessel.
Unless I am, clean and pure,
Unless I am Holy and Blameless,
Unless I choose to let go of myself,
And let His Spirit take control,
I will still be in control of my life instead of Him,
Unless I let go I will miss out on what God can do through me.
God cannot work through a dirty vessel,
God cannot work through a vessel,
that won’t let God overflow in his Life,
God cannot work in a life that will not let God have control!
God cannot work through me unless I let go,
Unless I am Pure and willing to follow Him,
To follow Him anywhere.
To follow him through the good and bad,
Through the depths and heights,
Through the mountain Tops and Valleys,
Through the Light and Darkness,
Through the Tides,
And Storms that life brings as well as the Morning sunlight,
The Beautiful Raindrops,
The Rainbows and Gentle breezes.
For through every situation God stays the same,
God is in Control and is with us,
God is there for us as our friend,
God is our Faithful Provider,
God is unchanging and forever!
-By: Daniel Brockhan